The Value Of In-Game IAP Trials

3 min readJun 15, 2022

Recently, I was browsing Genshin Impact’s in-game store and saw a feature that allowed me to try out a powerful purchasable character prior to buying it. I was able to take the character into a combat arena and experience first-hand the exciting features that came with this character. By being able to take the character out for a test drive, I was persuaded to make a purchase. That was one of the very rare times where I have been converted to pay for an IAP. In this piece, I will be exploring why trial runs on IAP’s can be a powerful tool for converting players.

The primary reason why trial runs can be a powerful tool for conversion boils down to the simple fact that players want to know the value of what they are buying. A player often times may not understand why a particular IAP would be valuable to them, or cannot understand its value without getting their hands on it and experiencing the impact it has on the game. Giving players a hands on experience to understand why an IAP is a clear value-add is much more persuasive than explaining it through text in a storefront. This tactic can not only persuade a player to make their first purchase but also, in the long-term, convert them to a regular payer.

Once that first purchase is made, it is very likely that the same player will come back for repeat purchases. This is assuming that the IAP has enough of an impact on the in-game experience that the player feels it is worth the purchase. Players should be able to purchase a trial run by using in-game currency that is obtainable without purchase. This will make non-payers much more likely to take part in a trial. At the same time, this can be a powerful tool for getting players to sink currency when needed.

Trial runs work best with IAP’s that have a significant impact on the game experience but at the same time do not serve as a way for players to become overpowered permanently without the purchase of an IAP. This kind of feature works especially well with IAP’s that unlock a new experience for players that is isolated from their current profile. For example, trial runs can work very well in hero shooters or RPG’s such as Apex legends and Genshin Impact. In those games, players can try out a new character outside of their own without impacting their current character profile. Character-based IAP’s also provide players with an entirely new experience and is exciting enough that the value that comes with it is clearly demonstrated.

Another IAP that is well suited to this feature is a temporary level-up. This works in games where a large slate of new features are unlocked after passing a particular level in a game through IAP purchases. Giving players a taste of all the features and benefits they can take part in as a result of leveling past a certain point can be a powerful tool for conversion. This mechanic needs to consider two important aspects; 1) achieving that particular level requires an IAP purchase, and 2) the benefits that come with surpassing a particular level are significant enough that they are clearly noticeable to the player.

Demonstrating the value of an IAP can be a very hard task. Often times it is not clear to the player on why they should make a particular purchase. As a result, players regularly disregard purchases, despite many of them having a positive impact on their in-game experience. Just like trying on a piece of clothing at a store, getting to try out an IAP for a limited period of time can allow players to see how the IAP suits their own in-game experience. By letting players experience for themselves the clear benefits that can come with an IAP, a game will be much more likely to persuade a player on the value of an IAP and convert them.

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A life-long gamer deconstructing what makes a great game from both a player and business perspective.